Tuesday, April 01, 2008

10 Ways to get an Article on DZone

I like DZone. I have been reading stories posted there for a least a year now. It is a great place to go if you want to stay on top of new technologies. However, over the past year I have noticed similarities among many of the articles that find there way to DZone. Here are the top 10 things you can do to get your article on DZone.

10. Write about CSS rounded corners: Especially if you can do them entirely in CSS or HTML or DHTML or XHTML. There is a real shortage of articles on this.

9. Explain why something is dead or dying: Pick something you don't like, you don't want to learn or you feel is a threat and explain why it is dead or dying. Great choices include .NET, Java or Agile methods.

8. Agree with Google: Find something Google did or someone at Google said, and agree with it. It's even better if you mention that you thought of it 5 years go.

7. Disagree with Microsoft: There seems to be a hot trend of people disagreeing with M$ solutions, technology, whatever. Find something Microsoft did and explain why you would not have done it that way. (Note: It is important you get these in the right order.... Don't agree with Microsoft or disagree with Google. You are likely to start a comment flame war if you do.)

6. Link to something Linus said: Find something Linus said on a newsgroup or mailing list and link to it. Make sure you take it out of context too. This will improve your article.

6. Write about Scala: I'm really sorry to all you Ruby developers. If I wrote this a year ago you would have been mentioned, but today's language of choice seems to be Scala.

5. Talk about hiring programmers: This is especially important if you have never actually hired a programmer, because I love the opinions of bloggers who don't know what they are talking about. Another great idea (especially if you are a pointy hair boss) is to talk about being hired as a programmer. As a non-technical type you know exactly what to expect -- You, Mr. Non-Technical, I Wish I My Subordinates Respected Me, Guy.

4. Summarize or point to an old article: Find an old article. Not a week or a month old, but maybe something Joel on Software wrote in 2001. Point to this, it is sure to get votes.

3. Talk about your love / hate of closures: Nuff said.

2. Boldly state that dynamic languages are better than static languages: There is no if-ands-or-buts here. They are better, for everything you (and I) will ever do, end of story. Say so, you have the right!

1. Formulate your post as a top 10 List: It doesn't even matter if you actually have 10 items or not! People love to read top 10 lists.


Unknown said...

Haha, this is so true!

Nick Morozov said...

Thank you!

Unknown said...

You forgot "Create 5 Dzone accounts and vote for your article"

Just kidding!

The Editor said...

Very funny... and right on the point ;o)

Rob said...

Top 10 article? What about those "top 276" and "top 3028" articles?

Those are my favorites!

Here's a proposed article to go for the brass ring:

"Linus links to Google HR's top 320 non-dying-M$ ways to make rounded corners dynamically with Scala closures"

Zviki Cohen said...

Start the title with a number. Like "5 ways for doing...", "12 reasons why you should..."

I think it's mostly because this indicates a structured article which is quicker to read. It works, from my experience.

willCode4Beer said...

You forgot the number one way to get your article promoted.

Write a post about DZone.